King, the renowned interactive entertainment company behind the beloved Candy CrushⓇ franchise, is celebrating its 20th anniversary with a resounding commitment to its global player base. Headquartered in London, England, and Stockholm, Sweden, with a global presence, King’s captivating games, including Candy Crush SagaⓇ, Candy Crush Soda SagaⓇ, and Farm Heroes SagaⓇ, continue to enchant audiences worldwide.
20 Years of Excellence: King remains a cultural phenomenon with over 200 million monthly active players, uniting people of all ages and backgrounds in moments of gaming magic. The Candy Crush franchise has held the top-grossing title in U.S. app stores for six consecutive years, generating over $20 billion in revenue and amassing over five billion downloads. Through strategic brand partnerships, King and Candy Crush have remained ingrained in pop culture.
Unprecedented Achievements: Players of Candy Crush Saga have collectively conquered over five trillion levels. As a fun fact, if you were to combine the distance of all swipes completed in the game over the last five years, you’d nearly circumnavigate the globe seven times!
All Stars Tournament Extravaganza: In 2023, Candy Crush Saga hosted a historic All Stars tournament, featuring a $250,000 prize pool and exclusive rings from renowned jeweler, Icebox. With over 300 billion candies collected during the tournament, a live final at King’s London headquarters crowned the ultimate All Stars champion.
A Commitment to Players: As King embarks on the next two decades, its unwavering focus remains on players, striving to make the world more playful. Understanding players’ thirst for fresh challenges and content, King’s creative team continues to craft exciting adventures and experiences for its dedicated gaming community. Candy Crush Saga enthusiasts can anticipate Level 15,000, a milestone level designed by the newest additions to the team in the spirit of King’s culture and tradition.
Embracing Future Technologies: King recognizes the transformative potential of AI in the future of mobile gaming. The company is committed to leveraging AI to enhance game development and player interaction. By optimizing AI’s understanding of player interactions and live game operations, King aims to improve player experiences by providing highly relevant content and options, making game design and gameplay more engaging, responsive, and adaptive.
As King celebrates its 20th anniversary, it stands as a testament to its enduring commitment to players and its unwavering dedication to creating playful experiences that captivate audiences across the globe.
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